McMahon wants to 'move forward and to repair the hurt'. Only far right racists refuse to forgive and forget.

Even @AndyBurnhamGM sham of an Assurance Review into grooming and gang rape of Working Class White girls in @UKLabour controlled Oldham failed to hide that the ringleader of the Rochdale Grooming Gang was employed by @oldhamcouncil for 18 yrs.
Exposed as a Labour Party member and friend and associate of existing @oldhamlabour councillors, SHABIR AHMED was seconded to the Council funded Pakistani Community Centre. From here he took bookings from his mainly Pakistani customers that came to him seeking help for their 'welfare' needs.
Each time concerns were raised about the man now known as 'Daddy', they were inexplicably closed down. Evidence went missing and police files disappeared. Even when he was eventually charged, multiple politicians provided him with support to help with his defence.
When finally convicted, @oldhamcouncil hid that the country's most notorious grooming gang ringleader worked for them. They also hid that he had access to vulnerable children and families. To this day, multiple @UKLabour councillors refuse to confirm their links to Daddy.
In Oldham, the Council did not just fail to protect Working Class White girls from being groomed and raped by gangs of predominantly Pakistani men. They went further. Hiding behind race relations and the fear of the Far Right to cover up what was taking place wasn't enough for those that ran the town. In Oldham, the Council funded it!
Now tell me why @jimfromoldham, .@Debbie_abrahams, @AndyBurnhamGM and the new Council Leader @CllrAmandaOL2 are refusing to support calls for a Public Inquiry?
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
For the last 3 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.