The Side of The Oppressor

As appalled as I am at Oldham's Deputy Mayor ZAHID CHAUHAN 'liking' a tweet that makes reference to the former Secretary of State for Health, SAJID JAVID, as a 'coconut', I am genuinely dismayed at the silence from Oldham Council leader AMANDA CHADDERTON and the wider team of Labour politicians towards such a high profile Labour Party figure.

I believe that the term 'coconut' goes way beyond being just being 'deeply offensive'. It is outright racist not just to people from ethnic minority backgrounds, who are deemed to be 'race traitors', it is also deeply prejudicial towards the White community as it devalues their race, religion and cultural norms.
A racist and anti integration term such as this has no place in a town such as Oldham. Nor do I believe that anyone who describes themselves as 'committed to fighting racism' would be unclear on what the word means in the context in which it is used to describe SAJID JAVID. Particularly an ethnic minority individual involved in politics.

I am hopeful that the Council leader will have the courage to at the very least publicly disapprove of Dr CHAUHAN's actions. Equally, I am hopeful that KEIR STARMER keeps to his promise of zero tolerance to racism in the Labour Party and action is taken to suspend the senior Oldham politician pending a full investigation.

My own thoughts are, bearing in mind the challenges both the Labour Party and also this town has had regarding race relations, I genuinely struggle to understand how Dr CHAUHAN can simply apologise for any distress he MAY have caused, refer himself for training (to who and for what I'm not sure), and that be the end of the matter.
Whilst I have no influence in the disciplinary processes within the Labour Party, I am quite clear on where I can influence matter. My position is clear, if AMANDA CHADDERTON has not issued a statement on this matter by 9pm on Thursday 23rd March 2023, then I will have no alternative but to launch a crowdfunding campaign to produce leaflets that will be distributed across key areas of Oldham. I did something similar last year regarding the Labour Party's failure to condemn the then leader of Oldham Council, AROOJ SHAH's, mobster affiliations.

These leaflets will raise awareness of Dr CHAUHAN's actions, his explanation of his 'like' of the tweet and the Council's reaction. Furthermore, I will provide a clear explanation of why the term 'coconut' is racist and why it is offensive to both people from ethnic minority and White backgrounds. In particular, I will focus on how the 'coconut' prejudice was used by members of the Pakistani Rape Gangs to try and legitimise their barbaric abuse of little White girls. If sufficient money is raised, I will also attempt to recruit and pay victims of the rape gangs and their families to distribute these leaflets. I will do this before May's elections. I leave it to AMANDA CHADDERTON and her Labour Party colleagues to think through the ramifications of such a lawful campaign on not just the Labour Party but also the town and the outside image on the town.

My preference, and indeed my plea, to the leader of Oldham Council, is that she take immediate and decisive action. I'm looking forward to reading and sharing the Council leader's response. Perhaps, her current silence is because she has yet to read the original Oldham Times article. The link is here.
This is the link to my transmission in response to the news story. You will quite clearly see how appalled I am by what I am reading.
Of course, Dr CHAUHAN is more than welcome to a right of reply to the story as published by OLIVIA BRIDGE in the Oldham Times and my opinion on it. Should he do so, I will share his response. I'll even host him on Sunday night's transmission should he wish to explain his actions. Those of you who know me, know that I ask people to judge a person not on whether they make a mistake. Rather, it is what they do after they have made the mistake.
Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Independent Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West & Royton
For the last 4 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.