Shamed Shah's Shameless Shaw Gambit

A key partner in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of working class White girls in Oldham has been the establishment media. It goes all the way back to the likes of JENNIFER WILLIAMS, followed by CHARLOTTE GREEN, the pyjama wearing ponce JOSHI from the Mill and the former Labour Party employee HANNAH AL-OTHMAN who used the Sunday Times to try and silence me. The latest disgrace wanting to make a name for herself is the new taxpayer funded local democracy reporter CHARLOTTE HALL.
In her article published in the local toilet paper publications is a PR poof piece promoting AROOJ SHAH. It follows an entire article that was previously shared where SHAH (if anyone really believes this) actually wrote the entire article promoting her pitch for leadership. In a desperate attempt to save her turkey bacon, SHAH has ditched GAZA (her focus in the disastrous election campaign) and is touting the idea of an independent panel for survivors. How many survivors and survivors of exactly what, SHAH cannot bring herself to say. This is a direct quote;
"Some in our Borough suffered unimaginable hurt and horror and they need to be heard. We are looking to work with colleagues to ensure vulnerable people who were failed by those in authority have access to justice and will create an Independent Survivors’ Commission – independent of the council and the influence of politics – so that victims and survivors of exploitation can determine what they want and need, as well as determining the terms of reference for any future review."
If CHARLOTTE HALL had done her job properly, she will have identified that the exact details of the nature of the commission yet to be determined fudge written on the back of Rizla paper idea by the Labour Party leader was essentially the same proposal as a motion that the Labour Party had used to sabotage a previous attempt at a Public Inquiry.

Not only are SHAH's plans not anything new (that her proposals for 'victims and survivors of exploitation can determine what they want and need' are disgraceful is a story for another day) the Council has already had since the 12th July 2023 to develop these proposals. Guess how much progress they have made? That's right. Absolutely none!
The only way SHAH will succeed in kicking the can down Yorkshire Street is if she succeeds in securing the leadership of the Council at Wednesday's high noon showdown meeting. Only controlling 27 seats, the only chance she has of preventing justice for survivors of gang rape is if Shaw councillors MARK HINCE & LISA NAVESEY sell out to SHAH.
The repeatedly humiliated MARC HINCE is now the ONLY opposition group leader who is attempting to help prevent a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the gang rape of little White girls in Oldham. Instead of simply supporting a Public Inquiry, HINCE has resorted to posting gobbledegook about an independent inquiry.

Prior to being elected, HINCE was in support of a Public Inquiry. Both Cllrs HINCE & NAVESEY are fully aware of the difference between a toothless independent inquiry and a public inquiry. I know this because I sat next to both and explained it to them!

I understand why not a single Labour Party politician is able to explain why they oppose a Public Inquiry. I suspect I also know why Cllr MARC HINCE looks as if he and Cllr LISA NAVESEY have gone back on their support of a Public Inquiry and joined them.
If I have the energy then there will be much more on this on Sunday evening. In the meantime, if you value my analysis then please take out a 75p a week subscription to my newsletter.
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