Campaigning in Chadderton South Cartel Style
Purdah is not a difficult concept to understand. The pre-election period (purdah) is the term used to describe the time between the date an election is announced and the date the election is held. This period, usually lasting about a month, introduces rules that restrict the Council from using its facilities and resources to advantage any candidates or parties in the forthcoming election.
So, for instance, the Council selling Glodwick swimming baths days before an election is a breach of purdah. The sale should have waited until after the election. More so because the organisation that purchased the swimming baths not only had declared links to the candidate AROOJ SHAH, the Council had also sold them the swimming pool at a discount price. How can anyone look at what took place and not be concerned that the Council's actions potentially advantaged AROOJ SHAH in the lead up to the election?
Fast forward to yesterday and AROOJ SHAH is once again incriminated in yet another clear breach of purdah. Some observations;
- whilst purdah rules clearly prevent such as announcement, SHAH doesn't appear to care and even has the audacity to confirm the new park is part of her election campaign
- there appears to be no sign of any Council committee minutes where such a decision was made and funding approved for the building of a new park. There certainly was not any Council announcement of the park prior to purdah commencing!
What we are now witnessing in Chadderton South is a style of Pakistani politics straight out of the Cartel controlled wards where McMAHON and SHAH can be found nibbling samosas or sipping mocktails.
In these wards, in the lead up to elections, we find worse than just a promise of a little park. Everything from the secret funding of mosques, the transfer of public buildings and land to influential organisations at knock down prices, and the handover of a 5 bedroom house is all common practice. I've even seen the handover of an entire street of newly built houses and the sale of public land for a measly £1....after the Council had spent £10,000s cleaning it up change hands in the lead up to an election..
Though such corruption has no place in a modern democracy, just as with antisemitism and the covering up the grooming and gang rape of children, AROOJ SHAH's Labour Party run Council is neck deep in this scandal.
The only difference I can see is that the bribes being offered in White wards such as St James and Chadderton South, are minuscule in comparison to the bribes found in the Asian wards.
In the Cartel strongholds where I was raised, no samosas, never mind a vote, would ever be handed over in exchange for a £20 gift voucher or the prospect of a tiny park. I shouldn't laugh, but here, just as with almost every other way in which the Labour Party engage with Oldham's Working Class White communities, they can't help but treat White people inferior to the Asians in the town.

Even when it comes to bribing them, White people appear to be offered less.
I understand ROBERT BARNES, the local Conservative candidate, has raised this attempt at bribery with the Elections Returning Officer and Council Chief Executive HARRY CATHERALL. This by the way is the same HARRY CATHERALL who secured his c£200,000 package as Oldham's new Chief Executive via a dodgy back door recruitment process led by AROOJ SHAH.

If CATHERALL was to follow the Council's mantra of openness and transparency, he now must confirm that AROOJ SHAH, the leader of Oldham Council, has been reported to the police for investigation. If he fails to do so, CATHERALL becomes complicit in a crime. Any bets as to what the man already coined Dirty Harry will do next?
Unfortunately, with Labour Party supporters refusing to be seen anywhere near her and even her allies confirming she risks 'decapitation' in next week's election, this latest incident is the least of AROOJ SHAH's problems. More to follow in the next election bulletin.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any of Them.
The crowd funder to support the Recusant Nine transmissions has now passed £1,000!!! Our target is £3,500. This will fund our overheads to keep broadcasting until the 2023 all out elections.
If you believe that we can defeat the tyrants that control Oldham without my involvement then that's fine. I'm grateful to have been part of the journey and played a small part as others replace me to lead the fight.
If, however, you believe that without the Recusant Nine transmissions and the expertise I bring , the Labour Party will quickly re establish their dominance of the town, then please support the crowd funder and help finish what we started. Help take back our town.