McMahon’s Silence Ominous as Muslim Militia Marches Monday

Despite national outrage, and widespread condemnation from the decent townsfolk of Oldham, neither JIM McMAHON MP nor Oldham Council Leader, AROOJ SHAH, has openly condemned the plans for a vigilante street patrol by the convicted mobster IRISH IMY.
Even though worried townsfolk have contacted local politicians and the police, perhaps knowing the high level of political support this heroin dealing career criminal enjoys, there has been a reluctance even here to condemn these plans. Like most of us, these people will also have witnessed AROOJ SHAH's refusal in a full Council meeting to condemn her 'childhood friend's proposal to dish out street justice in Chadderton and Werneth. No doubt concerned for their careers, they would have also read the newspaper article where when interviewed JIM McMAHON MP, whose team IRISH IMY was pictured alongside whilst out campaigning for votes, referred to these plans as 'well meaning'.

Under pressure to explain his relationship with this getaway driver of an Oldham cop killer, McMAHON issued a conflicting and convoluted statement about not naming individuals and claiming he does not provide references, before hiding behind confidentiality excuses for 'case work' he undertakes in an attempt to hide the depth of his connection with this mobster. Unfortunately for McMAHON, his journalist ally NEIL WILBY, with whom he enjoys a positive relationship, has already confirmed that McMAHON supported IRISH IMY to remain in Oldham whilst on parole. If this is true, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, then McMAHON aided and abated a convicted drug dealer who was subsequently picked up by the police and thrown back in prison for breaching his parole. The Manchester Evening News reported how when arrested, he had two mobile phones and a knife!

When released from prison, after being forced to serve the remainder of his sentence from behind bars, this career criminal, who has spent the majority of his adult life incarcerated, immediately set about repaying his political allies. After maliciously attacking opponents of McMAHON and SHAH, he was once again convicted. This time for malicious communication after he brazenly posted that his 'scouts' had followed me. His Facebook post was also clearly homophobic and through his new discovered Islamic values, I believe, had a deeper and more dangerous meaning.

As recently as last week, IRISH IMY has taken to Facebook where he has used verses from the Quran, in the style reminiscent of Jihadists preaching extremism, to advocate against taking up the COVID 19 vaccine. Despite Oldham having been repeatedly top of the national Covid charts, and the local Muslim communities disproportionate affected by Covid 19, his action remain unchallenged by Cllr AROOJ SHAH and those that run Oldham Council.

Indeed, IRISH IMY, openly flaunts the political support he enjoys in Oldham from both AROOJ SHAH's Oldham council and the MP, JIM McMAHON. In addition to enjoying the freedom of the Civic Centre, as a guest of the Council on election night. McMAHON allows him to post on his official Facebook page whilst simultaneously banning and deleting posts from law abiding Oldhamers. If this doesn't demonstrate his endorsement by the town's most senior politicians, how is it that AROOJ SHAH's appointment as leader of Oldham Council was first reported by this violent criminal before anyone else?

With politicians and police reluctant to condemn plans for his vigilante street patrol, and the mobster enjoying almost open endorsements from the town's most senior leaders, IRISH IMY has doubled down on his vigilante street patrol proposal, and despite community opposition, defiantly announced his plan to launch his militia this coming Monday.
I doubt that I am the only person who believes that this venture is more dangerous than an ordinary protection racket or mobsters claiming territory. Rather, based from evidence of his social media posts and his most recent convictions, i fear this is the birth of a Muslim Militia - a group of hardened criminals, burning with zeal from their newly discovered faith, who will be just as eager to go after those that exercise their right to free speech just as much as those that do not adhere to a strictly Islamic belief systems.

These are dangerous times in Oldham. Should Greater Manchester Police allow this, what many of us are concerned as nothing more than McMahon's Muslim Militia, it signals more than just the breakdown of law and order. It confirms the birth of tyranny on the streets of the Untied Kingdom.
It is nine minutes past nine, and we have arrived late...
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any of Them
Raja Miah MBE
Despite ongoing attempts at censorship, intimidation and threats of violence, the next Recusant Nine Transmission is scheduled to broadcast this Sunday evening at 2109hrs.
By now many of you know of my politically motivated arrest at the hands of the in Special Measures Greater Manchester Police, the false allegations about me in the press and the threats to my life for sharing with you news that JIM McMAHON MP and his Labour Party run Council want to keep hidden. If you find what I share of value, and are able to, please consider buying me a coffee or contributing via PayPal.