McMahon's Oldham Covid Cover Up

According to the Labour Party leader @Keir_Starmer, honesty and decency matter. Going off the actions of his Deputy Leader @AngelaRayner & his Shadow Minister @jimfromoldham, one could be mistaken for believing that whilst 'honesty and decency' may matter, hypocrisy and protecting the block vote matters more!
If it was really about 'honesty and decency', as claimed by Labour Party leader KEIR STARMER, then his Deputy, ANGELA RAYNOR, would explain why she and her dog went on an emergency litter pick during lockdown. Meeting with a number of her Labour Party colleagues in sandals and flip flops, the story goes they were not out unlawfully campaigning, they were just ignoring lockdown rules to clear up dangerous amounts of broken glass.
If it was really about 'honesty and decency', then JIM McMAHON MP would call for the resignation of Cllr ABDUL JABBAR in Oldham, just as he is calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister. He would also explain why he did not report his key Coldhurst councillor's breaches to the police instead of directing a member of the public towards an 'internal' Labour Party 'investigation'.
If it was really about 'honesty and decency', then the leader of Oldham Council, Cllr AROOJ SHAH, who led Oldham's covid response (perhaps why Oldham ranked top of the covid charts), would demand the release of the TAYLOR Report supposedly investigating her Deputy Leader, Cllr ABDUL JABBAR's multiple lockdown breeches. She would also immediately suspend ABDUL JABBAR. Although, to be fair to her, she would have to really be in charge to do this rather than just another one of McMAHON's puppets.
If it was really about 'honesty and decency', then the leaders of Oldham's opposition groups would demand answers from Oldham's Labour Party and the Oldham Times would bring the scandal to wider public attention. Instead, they sit on their hands, silent in case they speak out, their own unsavoury behaviour is exposed.
If it was really about 'honesty and decency', then Greater Manchester Police would treat Oldham's politicians in the same way as they treat everyone else and arrest/fine them as they have done others.
But then, as I'm reminded, if it was really about 'honesty and decency' then neither JIM McMAHON's Labour Party controlled Oldham Council, nor the in accelerated Special Measures Greater Manchester Police, would have covered up the grooming and gang rape of working class White girls in the town.
Unfortunately, in Oldham, it is very rarely, if ever, about 'honesty and decency'. More often than not, I'm afraid it's all about protecting the Muslim block vote. Which is why Cllr ABDUL JABBAR and the OBA Cartel are so powerful and do as they please.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
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