McMahon Claims Muslims Attacks Are On The Rise

Yet remains silent on what can no longer be described as the claims of racists or 'bare faced lies'
Despite his best efforts, the political predator and now infamous Pakistani Rape Gang enabler, JIM McMAHON MP, has been exposed in his role in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of the town's children. Instead of resigning, never mind apologising for his failings, one of the first actions of KEIR STARMER's Shadow Minister for vegetables was to use Parliamentary Privilege and claim I and the people of our town, who refused to ignore White girls in our communities being sold as sex slaves by gangs of Muslim men, were RACISTS.

The hamster cheeked samosa nibbler, reliant on the Cartel controlled block Muslim postal vote to stay in power, is also refusing to support calls for a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the gang rape of little White girls by members of the community from where he draws much of his support.
The silence from DEBBIE ABRAHAMS MP, cheerleader of the Kashmiri cause, is also equally damning. I think we know why. Just as I think we all know how safe our children are under the tyranny of McMAHON and his Labour Party controlled Oldham Council.
To add insult to injury, Royton & Oldham West MP, JIM McMAHON, has now taken to social media keen to share his outrage at ISLAMOPHOBIA.

According to Brother Jamal, Labour is the party of equality and anti-racism. Someone should tell the hundreds of Working Class White girls gang raped whilst McMAHON was Oldham Council leader this.
It is nine minutes past nine and we have arrived late. Perhaps too late...
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
Unfortunately, the Recusant Nine Transmissions will end this Xmas unless we have a substantial increase in paid subscribers. Subscription is just 75p a week. Despite over 10,000 people each month finding value in my work, my subscription numbers are abysmally low. If you find value in the work and want it to continue, please take out a subscription or even gift one as a Xmas present to a friend or relative. I'll leave it to you to decide what will happen should the transmissions end.
This is the link to this evening's Recusant Nine Transmission.