Where did the millions promised for Oldham Coliseum really go? And why was McMahon so slow?

Arts plans a winner with £7.1m jackpot plans was the headline in April 2017 as Oldham Council announced funding packages for its new Arts and Heritage Centre and the new Coliseum Theatre. The project was given the green light after a successful joint funding bid by Oldham Council and Oldham Coliseum Theatre secured a £7.1 million National Lottery-funded capital grant from Arts Council England towards the project.
Nearly 6 years later, and Oldham Council forced to admit it had blown over £3 million of taxpayers money on failing to move the Coliseum project forward and also being forced to return the Arts Council grant, the theatre is set to close after the Arts Council refuses to throw more millions into another JIM McMAHON horror show.
You may have thought you knew all of it. You don't know the half. It's Sunday night. Bring your samosas and get ready for yet more Oldham Council delights. Transmission will be broadcast live on the Recusant Nine YouTube Channel.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
For the last 4 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.