Telling Lies And Running Out Of Places To Hide

In a remarkable Twitter exchange over the weekend, Royton councillors AMANDA CHADDERTON and HANNAH ROBERTS openly engaged with the 'malicious blogger' NEIL WILBY. This is despite Oldham Council being under investigation for unlawfully leaking WILBY information with which he has attacked members of the public whose only crime was to speak out against the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of our town's children.

Shockingly, both Cllrs CHADDERTON and ROBERTS had the audacity to claim that the Oldham CSE cover up, of which both councillors are involved in, is NOT an issue of concern for the voters of ROYTON NORTH and ROYTON SOUTH.
AMANDA CHADDERTON (who suggests Royton residency even though her partner with whom she shares a baby is a Manchester councillor with her own Manchester address) claimed that she had 'been out nearly every weekend since the start of the year and 2 people have raised it...'

No ambiguity with where HANNAH ROBERTS resides. She is a confirmed resident of Delph, where her son is also on the gravy train as a Saddleworth councillor. Cllr ROBERTS claims that the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of Oldham's children has been 'only raised once...', so clearly not an issue for parents and grandparents in Royton!

Both Cllrs AMANDA CHADDERTON & HANNAH ROBERTS sit at the Council High Table as members of the all powerful Cabinet. They are strong supporters of AROOJ SHAH and their open support of the Council attack dog WILBY should not surprise anyone. What next Councillors CHADDERTON & ROBERTS? Will we be seeing you at a mocktail bar after party following Wednesday's Council meeting?
Cllr HANNAH ROBERTS is up for re-election on May 5th. Standing against her is the Conservative candidate LEWIS QUIGG. Unlike Cllr ROBERTS, Lewis actually lives in Royton and he, like hundreds of other decent Royton residents, have gone on record outraged by the LABOUR PARTY cover up of the grooming and gang rape of the town's children.
Make Room For Barrelgate
Not to be left out, the infamous Cllr STEVE BASHFORTH from Royton South then also volunteers his contribution to NEIL WILBY. Remember, this is a so called 'journalist', described by a judge as a 'an accuser of poor credibility' has been openly abusing members of the public using information that was unlawfully leaked to him from within the Council. Ask yourself, why would any decent councillor engage with such an individual?
Also note, so obsessed is Oldham Council's unofficial Communication lead in trying to silence me, he reported me to not just the police, but also the Attorney General for posting having a coffee in Costa! In all other towns, not a single politician in their right mind would engage with this raving loon, let alone endorse his fantasist claims that he is an 'investigative journalist'. But this is no other town. This is Oldham!

Like his fellow Royton councillors, BASHFORTH has no hesitation in endorsing the 'malicious blogger' and also claims the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of the town's children is not an issue on the doorsteps of Royton. Like his fellow Royton councillors, he is also incriminated.

With a twitter profile picture that resembles a younger, leaner version of someone considering online dating and hoping to punch above their real life already considerable weight, someone unfamiliar with Cllr STEVE BASFORTH might make the mistake of believing he is datable, distinguished and intelligent. Watch his performances at a Council meeting and you will see that he is none of these things. Frequently unkempt and of a scruffy disposition, BASHFORTH reminds me of a man who is constantly in need to check his shirt for signs of brown sauce, regularly required to tuck his shirt back in and make sure his fly is done up. In hindsight, I suppose all of these actions are better than being found with his pants round his ankles, which is what happened to him just prior to a recent Covid lockdown.
Last year, BASHFORTH was exposed for what many of us would consider was taking a bribe when he was forced to admit he left a restaurant with a barrel of ale under his arm. When exposed, #Barrelgate as he became known amongst the wider townsfolk who had until then been saved from having ever come into contact with a brought to real live caricature of what many imagined as a dodgy councillor, claimed he took the free alcohol on a 'sale or return basis'.
Cllr STEVE BASHFORTH does not have a license to sell alcohol. In his defence to claim he did not take a bribe, he admitted to the lesser offence of being a bootlegger. Naturally, the 'In Accelerated Special Measures' Greater Manchester Police have refused to investigate Cllr BASHFORTH for his criminal actions. I appreciate that the politicians of the town operate as if they are playing roles in a 1930s New York mobster movie, but the last time I looked, Oldham is not a mobster movie set and bootlegging is illegal in the United Kingdom.
As for Oldham Council's so called 'Standards Committee', with everything I have seen of them over the last 3 years, I genuinely believe this internal team of specialist councillor cover up merchants, advised by the Borough Solicitor PAUL ENTWISTLE, would have found a way of looking the other way if CYRIL SMITH and SHABIR AHMED had both been Oldham councillors and caught in the showers of the boys changing room of a local school alongside the convicted child sex offender Cllr ROD BLYTH.
Whilst #Barrelgate is not up for re-election this May, his keep it in the family councillor wife, MARIE BASHFORTH, is facing the chop in Royton South. She is yet to comment on what the issues are on the doorstep. Perhaps she is yet to knock on any doors! Knowing what you know now, how can the people of Royton North, Royton South, or anywhere else in Oldham, vote for the likes of HANNAH ROBERTS, MARIE BASHFORTH or any of their Labour Party colleagues?
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
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