Shah's Not So Secret Shaw Stooge

This is Cllr MARC HINCE from #Shaw. Elected off our campaign to help remove the rape gang protecting Labour Party from power, once voted in he informed me he now had a good thing and proceeded to;
- try and get in bed with the Pakistani Sectarian Group. When he failed to do a deal with GHAFOOR and his team of antisemites, HINCE helped keep the convicted heroin dealer associated self declared Muslim Labour leader AROOJ SHAH in power. He was later rewarded with the role of Head of Planning and a seat on the front table in the Council alongside SHAH and her leadership team.
- voted to approve building on the greenbelt and if there was any doubt, blocked the scrapping of ANDY BURNHAM's controversial Places for Everyone scheme that seeks to land grab the borough's greenbelt
- voted to block a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the gang rape of little White girls by Pakistani men and helped protect the politicians involved
- voted to block a call to bring in auditors to scrutinise Oldham Council
finances after evidence emerged of multiple dubious deals between the Council and associates of Oldham Labour - voted against introducing DBS checks for all councillors as well as helped block demands to prevent AROOJ SHAH's Council deploying a gang land militia to patrol the streets of Oldham
Now why would any Oldham councillor vote against enhanced DBS check for politicians? Especially after a fellow Shaw councillor was convicted for #CSE and another one declared his close friendship with CYRIL SMITH. Surely every councillor should have an enhanced DBS check?

As easy as it is to blame Muslims, sadly, the truth is that without the complicity of power crazed Nazi uniform wearing WHITE politicians such as MARC HINCE and his killer in the family sidekick LISA NAVESEY, Oldham's Pakistani Rape gang protecting Labour Party politicians would not be able to stay in power.
Not surprisingly, in keeping with the Nazi theme, the sieg hieling Cllr MARC HINCE still refuses to publish how people in Shaw can join his fake independent party or vote to select their candidates or inform their policies. So much for transparency.
If the cover up of the gang rape of children or non DBS checked councillors accessing children was not enough, based on what I've seen so far, the good people of Shaw & Crompton should get ready to have their greenbelt developed on. After all, on the evidence so far, rather than an independent , MARC HINCE is nothing more than SHAH's Shaw stooge.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
The Recusant Nine Transmission will be broadcast live on Sunday evening. Watch my analysis and decide for yourself whether HINCE can be trusted. Upgrade to Recusant tier to view live of Radical to watch the recorded broadcast the day after.
Raja 🙏